Sunday, January 13, 2008

shih tzu makeover

My little dog, Nigel, really was in bad shape. His fur does not shed, instead it mats into dreadlocks. So he was pretty gross. He lets me bathe him, but not do much else. That is my fault for not training him better when he was a puppy. On friday we took him to the groomer's down the street from our house and even got him a cute new sweater. I think he looks the cutest about 3 weeks after he gets groomed, when the fur is just a little longer. I also don't like how they left the fur on his ears and tail , but hey, they have to put up with his cranky ass, and that is something I can do myself in a few days. Here are some before and after shots! He is super hard to get a non blurry photo of.


Amanda said...

Very cute!

average rai said...

Look at that outfit. Love it. How did you choose his name?

bunbun said...

thank you! His name comes from the movie spinal tap.
I got him when I was 21 and a week before that I was watching it and I was drunk and I said if I ever get a dog I will name him Nigel. Nigel is a crazy rocker guitarist character.

bunbun said...

its funny too because our other dog's name is Simon, so they both have englishman names, by accident.