Tuesday, February 5, 2008

soba-cha salada

One of my favorite magazines, Kateigaho International, ran an article last year on soba noodles. One photograph included Matcha soba. I love matcha/green tea, so I knew I had to try it. I was pleased with the subtle flavor. Last night we had sobacha salada, a cold soba with chicken and a yummy sauce. It is a nice and light treat. Buckwheat soba noodles are very good for you. Here is the recipe for the dressing, which also is very good on any salad. The only things missing last night was seasame seeds and nori, cut into matchstick shape. Oh well. This was the start of Matcha week here at our house. I have a few cooking with green tea plans for later on. After dinner we had jello parfaits. Bunny loves jello and I don't make it often enough. When I make whip cream, I don't add any sugar. I like the creamy taste without the sweetness. Plus the gelatin already has enough sugar anyway!

Soba Salada sauce:

1/4 cup rice vinegar
1 1/2 TBS Soy Sauce
1 to 2 TBS Crushed ginger
1 tsp Sugar
1 to 2 TBS safflower oil

Whisk together and pour over noodles. A little goes a long way! We still have more than half left after making a half pound of noodles.


Anonymous said...

Yum! I wish I had as much ambition for cooking as you guys do. :-) Well maybe I would if Dustin didn't work nights. That's funny that those places I want to go are all right by each other, I had no idea. I've wanted to go to Pistils for so long, I've always wanted chickens and their classes sound really cool too. Isn't there a whole little district in downtown Portland for sewing and embellishments? Somewhere around 11th? I've never been to any of those places. It seems like there's never enough time when we're there. We'll definitely have to go shopping next time I'm up there. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and I think I have a copy of that magazine. Betty got me one a few months ago (maybe around the time Lucy was born?) after going to Uwajimaya with you guys. It's very fun to look at!