Yesterday it was snowing in my neighborhood! It was really pretty, but it didn't last long. I took a little walk to get bunny some things, so here are some photos of my neighborhood. Bunny is feeling much better. I think that it passed through him a lot faster than me. I am still bitter that this is the second weekend we have lost to sickness! Oh well, I got out seattle trip squared away this weekend, booking our room and train tickets!
1. This group of deer is in our front yard, i thought they looked cute in the snow
2 and 4- flowers in the neighborhood.
3. this house was up for sale when we first moved here for an unheard of price in portland. everytime we walk by it, we always talk about how we wished we could have bought it. It is such a sweet little cottage. The new owners have sort of let it fall apart, though. The gazebo was much cuter before. I wish I had a gazebo!
5. This is what I got on my walk. It is our cure-all cocktail here when we get sick. Cran-raspberry juice and 7-up!
I miss flowers! We only get them a few months of the year here. Very beautiful pictures, too.
Portland is called the "City of Roses" It is very beautiful. There are not many flowers right now, but I see tulips and crocuses starting to pop out in my yard
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