Sunday, February 3, 2008

cookie cutter food/countdown to daiso

I am on a shaped food kick right now. Saturday morning I made apple yogurt pancakes in different shapes. We have a maple syrup addiction! Then for lunch I made this little red hair boy out of leftover brown rice. I want to get better with my rice molding and start making more crazy bento shapes. It is a fun quick way for me to make the foods I eat everyday a little more exciting.
When I go to Daiso later this month I plan on buying tons of bento box supplies. I cannot stop thinking about Daiso. I am on a thrift store diet right now, not allowing myself to buy anything to save money for my seattle Daiso trip!!!! Flicker has a Daiso photo group where people post pics of their scores and I get dizzy with excitement looking at the cool stuff, all only 1.50!

1 comment:

Janell said...

Daiso is awesome! cute blog, thanks for visiting mine!