Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Every season, I try and do major overhaul of the house, and clean out every room. I get rid of things we don't need and donate them to goodwill. By doing this, it sorta justifies my new purchases. Also, our house is very old and seems to get dusty and dirty faster than normal. I bought this shelf at Ikea this week, I am so excited about it because now I can display all my canisters and everything and free up a lot of space. I have to brag a little here, I don't drive and I spontaneously stopped by Ikea on my way home from work on Monday and bought the shelf. It came in huge packaging and I had to carry it home from the train station (about a mile or 2)..... in my high heels! I felt like a buff monster when I got home!
So just like every purchase I make at Ikea that requires assembly, what should be very easy never is for me, and the shelf is still sitting in my kitchen and this is what is going on in here right now.....

It will be up tonight! With school and work, trying to get our garden growing, and not driving this little shelf has had some delays. But I love it, and my kitchen will be really organized by the end of tomorrow.
I have been picking up plants and flowers every time I head to the grocery store (which is often) to get our gardens going. I am so thrilled that we are actually doing what we always talk about doing with the yard, year after year. I am going to have a little photo session soon with what we have done, but for now here are a few things that I have going.

Haha, does a weed count as something I have going on in the yard? I love dandelions, though. We do some weeding in our yard, but I don't like the idea of having a perfectly manicured yard. So I can appreciate the "weeds" just a little!
More blossom photos! I can never get enough!

I haven't posted in awhile about any thrift store finds, but I have been going to the goodwill a lot lately to stock up on plant pots, and while I was there the other day I scored these cute sauce cups for 50 cents total for the set.

They are made by Kotobuki, one of my favorite Japanese manufacturers, they make quality Japanese housewares. Casey's work sells their products at a price I can't afford, even with our discount, so I am overjoyed whenever I find anything by them at the thrift store.


Oiyi said...

I really like that new shelf. I can't wait to see it installed and in use. I might check it out next time I am at Ikea.

I love my HK Janome sewing machine! It's basically the same as the Janome Gem. I haven't used the blue HK one. That is a half size. I would recommend the mint green one (3/4 size). That is the machine I learned to sew on and I am still using it.

Anonymous said...
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bunbun said...

Thank you Oiyi! I really want one. I am so miffed that I didn't pick one up at Target when they had them on clearance for half off. It is still a good price though!.

Also, the name of the shelf is Varde, and it sells for 29 dollars.

amy said...

Wow, we are not anywhere near having flowers yet. Lucky you. Today has been the most beautiful warm day in a very long time, I think it's about 65 out.

You have the same philosophy as my mom. Buy something new from Goodwill, donate something old. I like that.

Unknown said...

you've got the nicest photos on flowers, so envious of your garden, i love flowers but am a lazy gardener so i hardly have time to tend to my garden. the thrift shop find is just great, but we dont have many here or if there is, nothing interesting to buy too. cheers :)

ling239 said...

i love dandelions too...
but it is getting harder to find nowadays ~
btw the kitty sauce cups are really cute, do they come in pairs ? ^_^

mushroommeadows said...

Wow those little kitty sauce bowls are cute! Lucky ducky. :)

Milkberry said...

OMG you carried that all the way home? You must have sore feet! Please post photos once you're done!

Btw, your flowers are awesome!

Oiyi said...

Half price??? For the mint green one?? OMG, that is a bargain. It's not a toy sewing machine. A excellent brand repackaged to make it look cute. I even got quilting attachments that fit the machine so I can make better quilts.

Anonymous said...

so beautiful flower...and cute kitty sauce cups...

Anonymous said...

That is quite the determination to decorate your kitchen! I can't believe you carried that home in heels. Ouch (well it would be ouch to me, you wear heels really well). I like that shelf a lot, and your new gingham jars in the background look really cute.

Anonymous said...

I like that pic of dandelions and the pink flowers above it. What do you call the pink flowers? Looks like Sakura to me

Marina Capano said...

all so cute, pictures just nice! :)

Anonymous said...
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amy said...

Hey, I blogged about you, I hope you don't mind.

Tizzalicious said...

Good luck with the assembling!

bunbun said...

Ling- they came in pairs at the thrift store, but I believe that they are sold in singles brand new

emily, yes, that is Sakura, my favorite flower/blossom of all time!

thank you everyone else for for the sweet comments!