Monday, June 23, 2008

everybody's workin for the weekend!

"Promotional" Mini Roses given to me from Casey, for my promotion at work!

Happy weekend days! Not that daily life is bad, but I daydream of the weekend, and this one did not dissapoint! I blew off a ton of chores and spent time doing what we wanted to do! That was good, but this week I feel a little swamped, but whatever!

I did no shopping, no baking (minus flatbread), nothing.

What we did do what spend a ton of time riding bikes! We rode well over 24 miles this weekend.
We participated in this event,
where a 6 mile loop through North portland got shut off to cars and was open to cyclists, walkers, runners, skaters, etc. The surrounding parks on the loop had live music, food, and yoga workshops. Casey and I enjoyed crepes at one stop. It was so much fun we rode the six miles twice! I found out something, that I am a bit of an agressive bike rider! Good thing I don't drive! I have insane urges to cut people off, and I want to talk smack to people who ride too slow. I am able to control this mostly out of safety, but it shocked me, I never knew that was in me, in fact I have always hated people like that! So everyday we got home after riding we would eat in a daze and chill out listening to music. Casey has discovered this beautiful jazz and electro-jazz albums that just blow my mind! They are super mellow, perfect for summer days.A lot of my favorites from the compilations are from Brazil.

This donburi dish I made last night from my Quick and Easy cookbook series. It is paper thin pork loin (I am not that good with a knife, so I bought it pre-sliced, from Hiroshi's Anzen, the cutest little Japanese grocery in Portland, it has been around since the 20's) The pork is marinated in soy and mirin, then sauted in miso, sugar, onion, sake, and a little garlic oil. Melt in your mouth meat! Donburi means a meal served in a bowl over rice, so that is how this was served

And that was that! Now, back to the grindstone (kidding, work is great, just hard to want to leave the sun!) until friday evening! We have a lot of fun things planned for our weekends this summer, we joined zipcar, so soon we will be camping and leaving town a lot!


ling239 said...

very pretty mini roses u have got !! ^_^

amy said...

Hi Holly, I wish we could shut down Milwaukee streets and ride bikes all over for one weekend.

I, like you, can be very aggressive (inside) when it comes to walking. I hate it when someone walks very slow in front of me, I have imaginations of pushing them down or shoving them. "that's what you get for walking so slow PUNK." Then I spit on them. I don't actually do that but I imagine it. ;)

Luckily I am not around many bike riders or I would have more dangerous thoughts and situations.

Milkberry said...

Hi Holly! Woohooo I wish I could go biking around with hubby too, but with no bikes (they were stolen) and the rain (sigh where is my SUN?) I'm still waiting! Haha~ Oooo I should try out the jazz cds. I love listening to bossanova, especially during the summer. Saw a great bossanova cd last week (the ad even says 'summer reccomendation')and I'm hoping to get it next week. Maybe I can burn it and share it with ya!

Unknown said...

Hi Holly, what wonderful weekends you have. I havent cycled for ages! But seriously, cycling is really fun and good exercise too.

Take care and hugs always :)

Gina said...

I love that beautiful rose!

Christine said...

You rode your bike HOW far?! o. m. g.


Oiyi said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

Hey Harriet said...

An aggressive cyclist? You? I'm surprised by that ;) I don't drive either. Too many nutters on the roads! I bus it. & do a lot of walking. I really should dust off my bike. There's no way I could match the distances you cycle though. Very impressive!

Hey Harriet said...

Oh I forgot something. Doh! Just wondering if you've had a listen to any of the 'Tropicalia' music. Tropicalia was a musical movement in Brazil in the 60s & some of the music from that period is mind blowing. I'm a huge fan of it. If you've not heard of it, maybe a google search may point you in the right direction. If no luck & you are keen on tracking it down, feel free to email me (email link on my blog sidebar) & I can send you a list of some of the CD titles / artists etc... :)

mushroommeadows said...

Congrats on the promotion indeed! :) lovely promotion flowers. :D

OH my gosh...24 miles??? WOW! I'm jealous. ha ha.